On November 8, 2013, the lives of millions of Philippines residents were forever altered by Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms ever recorded. To give much-needed assistance to those who have lost their homes and livelihood, PokerStars, through its corporate giving programme ‘Helping Hands’, has partnered with global relief charity CARE International to launch an emergency appeal. In the coming weeks and months, CARE International will be providing shelter, food and safe drinking water to those in need in the Philippines.
You can help, too. PokerStars players can make donations to the CARE International relief effort via the game software, and PokerStars will match the total amount raised. Thus for every €1 donated via the game software, PokerStars will send CARE International €2. All the money will be passed on to CARE International, and will make a difference in the affected areas. All contributions are welcome!
You can make your donation by registering for special dummy tournaments in the PokerStars lobby under the ‘Tourney’ > ‘All’ tab, among others. Please note that these are not real tournaments; they are simply a way to collect donations. Entering these dummy tournaments does not result in any poker being played. You can also find them by typing ‘Typhoon Haiyan : Donation 1 €’ into the Tourney Filter.
The dummy tournaments are in the amounts of €1, €3, €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, corresponding to the amount you wish to donate. When you register, your buy-in will be added to the Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund. You can donate via multiple dummy tournaments if you wish!