
Verify your payment method

Why do I need to verify my payment account?

We need to make sure you're the owner of any withdrawal method you use with us. We do this in line with our license. Withdrawals are only available after the verification process is complete.

Your documents will be safe and secure, and we won't use them for any other purpose.

When do I need to verify my payment account?

You can only have one verified method at a time. Keep in mind that:

  • If you want to use a new withdrawal method, you must verify it before making any transactions.
  • If you want to re-use a withdrawal method used in the past, you'll need to verify it again.
Can I perform transactions before the verification process is complete?

Yes, but you can only make deposits. Withdrawals are only available after the verification process is complete.

Our team will check your documents and get in touch if there are any issues.

Otherwise, we'll let you know when you're free to make transactions.

Which documents do I need to send?

So that we can accept your document, make sure that:

  • All the details are clear and legible.
  • Any online banking screenshots have the URL address visible.
  • The lighting is good. To prevent any glare, don't use your device’s flash.
  • All four corners of the document are visible.
  • Don't send photocopies.
  • The payment method is registered in your name.
  • The payment method has an agreement with France and is registered in REGAFI.

Please choose your payment method from this list to know what you'll need to send us:

Direct bank transfer
    • A clear bank statement or RIB. Please make sure the document shows these details:
      • Your full name as the bank account holder.
      • Issue date, no older than three months.
      • Full IBAN that matches the one you registered on your account.
      • BIC or SWIFT code.

    • A clear desktop or mobile screenshot of the 'Account' screen when logged in to your account. This must show your name, address, email and merchant ID if your PayPal account has one.
      To access this page, select the cogwheel on the top right next to 'Logout'. The page's URL must be visible on the screenshot.
Desktop screenshots

Mobile screenshot

    • A clear desktop or mobile screenshot of your NETELLER account's ‘Account Overview’ or ‘Settings’ page.
      It must show your name, the email you registered and the URL.
    • A Skrill identity statement that shows your account details and the issue date. The document must be no older than 3 months.
    • To download your document, go to 'Settings' → 'Personal Details' → 'Relevé d'identité' or 'Identity Statement'.

You can upload your document here.

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